Tuesday 3 December 2019

End of the Year Reading Age Shift

Once again, the end of the term is upon us and I set out to test my Focus group of children using the PROBE reading test.  For our end of the year data, the PROBE tests were administered by a teacher from outside our team which allowed for consistency for our end of the year data.

The above graph illustrates the shift of my focus group throughout the year. Student C has demonstrated accelerated progress of 2.5 years. Students B, E and G have also shown accelerated progress of 2 years. Students A, D and F have all achieved the expected progress of one year.  Student I have shown 0.5 years of progress since arriving at our school midyear.  It is also important to note that Student H has relocated and is no longer a student at our school.

The graph below shows the reading age progression of my entire class.  Students who have a red dot on the graph for Term 3 were able to demonstrate progress during the short time between their Term 3 and beginning of Term 4 test. As a class, only Students F, K, and AF showed 0.5 years progress for various reasons in their own personal journey. 48.3% of the students in my literacy class achieved the expected one year shift in reading age and 41.2% of my students were able to achieve accelerated progress of 1.5 to 2.5 years.

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